The Struggle Is Over; You Have The Mind Of Christ!
You’ll experiencetrue freedom in your mind as you embrace this powerful truth: “I Have the Mind of Christ!”
01) The Mind of Christ is Your True Identity
Connie Witter
02) Let God Change the Way You Think
Connie Witter
03) Negative Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts
Connie Witter
04) Jesus Gave You a Brand-New Mind
Connie Witter
05) The Mind of Christ is the Mind of Perfect Love
Connie Witter
06) The Mind of Christ Believes the Best of Everyone
Connie Witter
07) The Mind of Christ is a Mind at Peace
Connie Witter
08) Give Your Carnal Mind a Decent Burial
Connie Witter
09) Give Your Carnal Mind a Decent Burial part 2
Connie Witter